Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

$500 Daily to $5k Daily

No new method or magic formula just plain old rules only summarized here... I use same method with little variations of mine ... I am averaging $500 daily. I am ranking for more then 20+ niche in google ( right now in bottom, some on 2nd page)... I hope to achieve top ranking with in 3-4 months and that could simply make my earning 10 fold....

1) find a product which is in demand:

You can do it by using several keyword tools like free adwords keyword tool, free wordtracker tool. Also use google trends in your research.. Weekly report from your cpanetwork about top converting products or EPC can help you in your research further.

2) Check Competition:

check who is ranking for them and how many links they made for it... how authority sites are they, is there any normal website like another webmaster or articles site in that segment..

do you think you can beat competition - You decide

3) Get a domain name with same keyword or similar phrase... first choice .com then .org... so on.. if possible register domain for more then 1 year (debated theory but no harm in using)

4) Website:

You can make normal site but it's easy to run wordpress sites, also they are SEO friendly so i will suggest you to install wordpress. Install usual plugins like google sitemap, allinoneseo....

Customize it to your niche, use custom logo and banner for it... theme should be of your niche. Post several articles on it... Try to keep title as interesting as possible... Use your imagination

5) Make a landing page not post... Remove side bar and every thing.. no distraction for visitors

6) connect all post to that landing page... Use different keywords for different post

7) Make sure that quality of content is very good...

8) Get press release done.. best way will be every fortnight pressrelease if you can't then get it done every month

9) Get few articles and submit it to ezine, goarticles, buzzle, articlesbase and isnare.. atleast 1 article on each

10) repeat step 9 every week

11) Start making link... don't do it excessive... Use differnt anchor text for making links (60%-80% primary keyword), bookmarking, directory submission... Try to make theme based links.

12) Get few articles, spin them and then submit them to free blog sites.. point them to your landing page.. make sure they get indexed

13) Google likes Frequently updated site so make sure you keep posting new post on your blog if not daily then atleast 1 in a week.

14) Use adsense for extra revenue on your post but no ads on landing page only cpalinks. Don't forget to cloak your affiliate links... you can use gocodes plugin for it.. they can even track how many clicks have been on... People don't like affiliate or dirty links

15) Don't use any blackhat method on site...... have patience and keep working

If you pick correct niche and work as I suggested then soon you will be posting here your own earning and that too good amount. It's basic and fundamental and it can never go wrong.

I have tested it with more then 50 niche so far and I have ranked on every niche except one. This one was very competitive but anyway finally I am on second page and may be it will be on 1st page soon. It's from finance niche..

If you pick niche with low competition or medium you can see ranking and earning with in 1 month and that will give you enough experience and motivation for your next venture....

Hope I was able to answer usual questions or put a road map for everyone. If you can write article (only if you good in it) then total project cost will be only domain cost for you.. All you will need is to put your serious effort.


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