Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Mini Sites Plan

Hey money makers, I'm going to post an action plan of mine with as much details as possible, and would really appreciate some critique. Anything you see as potentially harmful to my SEO or money making, let me know! I need the feedback.

I've already created multiple mini sites and am experiencing some problems. I did them basically xfactor style, including the marketing scheme. I'd set up a site using WP, have great niche keywords, and quality content. I would then submit around 50 articles at a time to EZA and wait for the backlinks to build. A month later, i'm not getting much traffic at all. It's something I just don't understand. I think the reason why they haven't ranked is because I submitted all of my articles at one main point in time, and am doing 3 articles every 3 days as follow up for links, so the establishing of links doesn't seem very natural. Not too sure what's going on, so i'm going to re start my method and do it a bit better this time. here's my plan. it's xfactor style sort-of.

Day 1) Find five related keywords using micro niche finder. Specifics i plan on using: under 5k searches/month, under 30k exact phrase count, under 20 SOC. (Not sure what my range should be for MOB). Check them using spyfu, check out advertiser competition simply by checking out the top SERP websites currently. Once the keywords seem good to go, buy a domain with the keyword in it. Set up hosting. Write 1 article per keyword with keyword density of about 3%. Informative content. Once all content has been written, make sure all WP plugins are installed and start publishing content. Only publish 2/5 pages. Bookmark website URL using ONLYWIRE bookmarking service. Submit two articles to EZA backlinking to two pages.

Day 2) Publish another page on website. Bookmark it. Submit two more articles to EZA, backlinking to main page and new page. Publish a hubpage and a squidoo on a somewhat relevant but popular topic which backlinks to main site.

Day 3) Publish fourth page on website. Bookmark it. Submit two more articles to EZA, backlinking to main page and new page. Submit another two articles to GOArticles, which backlink to the hubpage and squidoo page.

Day 4) Submit two more articles to EZA, and two more to GO articles. The first two linking to main site, second two linking to web 2.0 properties. At this point some of the EZarticles should have been published by now, so bookmark those articles using ONLYWIRE submitter and ping them.

Day 5)Publish fifth and final page, bookmark it using ONLYWIRE. Publish five articles to EZA all backlinking to pages on the site, and also publish five articles on GO articles which link to the HUB and squidoo. Check to see if new EZArticles have been published, bookmark them and ping them.

Continue'd daily practice after the five day mark:

Two articles per website every day. Some will directly link to pages, some will link to the hub/squidoo.

All EZA articles/GO articles that get published will get pinged and bookmarked.

Read more on original source.

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