Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Facebook PPC Tips

Facebook's self-serve ads will really give you some headaches when you first start out. It's an extremely unique system that APPEARS to be simple, because of the lack of keywords and ease of configuration. This is not true, it is quite hard to get used to their system and algorithms. Here are some tips for anyone getting into Facebook PPC.

1. Pictures are the #1 priority. They are about as critical as keywords are when comparing Facebook to adwords or yahoo. Rather than split-testing ad-copies you really want to split-test tons and tons of pictures.

2. Pictures are also the #1 pain to get approved by Facebook for many of the niches. You have to make sure to choose pictures that really don't appear to be commercial or advertisements if you are promoting a niche such as dating. The "sexier" the picture, the harder it is to get approved, but sadly, the better the click through rate would be if approved.

3. Re-submit, re-submit, re-submit. You will get ads disapproved all day long. Facebook will give you an extremely generalized response that doesn't really help you in determining your problem with the ad copy. If you believe the ad is within Facebook's guidelines, simply re-submit the AD over and over and you will be amazed when they suddenly approve the exact same ad-copy just because another reviewer happened to take a look.

4. Start with CPC. Once you find a profitable campaign or an ad with a high CTR, you will want to move to CPM.

5. Any campaign that has a lower CTR than 0.08 you will want to de-activate and move on. That is a great point of reference when determining if your ad-copy is worthy.

6. Facebook determines their CPC prices with a couple different factors. A very important factor seems to be CTR. If you have a high CTR (0.20%+) you will find your CPC price cut 50% or more.

7. If you have an ad pulling higher than 0.20% CTR you will want to make the campaign as a CPM campaign. This usually means you are going to get clicks for as CHEAP AS 0.05 PER CLICK. This is basically your goal with facebook.

8. Use the facebook keyword filters ONLY IF you are really laser-targetting a specific niche. Normally I have found it is best to not limit keywords but to simply split my ad campaigns based on age ranges. Example: Male 18-21. Male 22-25. Female 18-21. Female 22-25.

I hope these tips help you become successful on Facebook's windy road they claim to be "Simple Self-Serving Ads". Please ask any questions you may have here and we can add them to the FAQ section.

Q: How do I raise my daily spend limit?
A: If you hit the max limit which starts out at $100/day approximately 3-5 days in a row, Facebook will raise your limit. Personally it took me about 3 days of spending $100/day and they bumped the max to $200. This continued every time I hit the new max. Average 3-5 days.


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