Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Adsense Revenue Sharing Site Lists

So I have autoblogs and I'm not going to post them here.

What I mean to share is an idea for maximizing the actual work you do.

Take autoblog A and copy content from it, link back to autoblog A from one of these sites. Monetize your blog with adsense and also insert your adsense ID in your account on these sites and voila, backlink and 50% revenue share (usually) from one of these sites. I won't guarantee that you'll get a backlink from these sites though you probably will get more than a few if you go through this list of 100 and use them all.

Yes, I took it from elsewhere but so did the guy I copied it from. Fook it, here ya go:


* http://www.adsensigg.com/
AdSensigg – AdSensigg = AdSense + DIGG-like (interesting idea) – 50% Adsense Revenue Share

* http://www.doshdosh.com/
Dosh Dosh – Invite only revenue sharing community – Unknown

* http://fuelspace.com/
Free Ads with Adsense Revenue Sharing – Interesting link building venture – Unknown

* http://www.funadvice.com/
FunAdvice – Advice and answers site – Unknown

* http://www.gearthhacks.com/forums/fa...evenue_sharing
Google Earth Hacks – Google Earth hacks forum – 75%
Hub Pages Publish information on a topic you love to write about – 10% (oh boy!)
Trend Hunter Report trends that you find – 100% New!
Senserely Yours – An entire community based around sharing Adsense Revenue – Unknown
That’s Pretty Dumb – Highlighting the stupidest things businesses do to us – 100%
QooForum – A general forum about anything and everything – 50%
Vubx.com – A gadgets article and blog site – 75%
You Say Too – Revenue Sharing Community – 50%


BlogEvolve - Blogging community – 50%
Blogger Party – A blogging community that shares Adsense advertising revenue – 50%
Bloggeries Blog Forum – A blog forum – 50%
Writing Campus – Blogging community – 70%


* http://www.soundchilds.net/intro/lou...sharing_v2.php

SoundChilds – Music sales, forum – 90-95%

Rating Sites

* http://www.rateitall.com/wt-rateitall_economy.aspx
RateItAll – Consumer ratings and reviews – 50%
Music Nerds – CD Review Site – 100%

Rights and Advocacy

Private Rights Forum – Private label rights for audio and video – Unknown


* http://www.articlecodex.com/
Article Codex – Free article repository – 50%
* http://www.articletrader.com/
Article Trader – Free articles for your site – 50%
Articles Revenue – Write articles for them – 100% *reduced later unknown percentage
* http://www.dotnetspider.com/adsense/
DotNetSpider – Tutorial, articles, etc – 90%
GuideDawgs.com – User submitted advice and guidance articles – 40 to 55%
* http://www.meshplex.org/wiki/Meshple...RevenueSharing
MeshPlex – Tutorial Database – 100%
Scratch Projects - Write articles – $50 per article, plus 50%
* http://www.shareyourexpertise.com/faq
Share Your Expertise – An information sharing community – 100%

Domain/SEO/Advertising/Webmaster Sites

Ad-Sensing.com – A forum on PPC advertising and more – 50%
* http://forums.digitalpoint.com/index...ferrerid=74018
Digital Point Forums – Search Engine Optimization and Marketing forum – 50%
* http://dnp.in/
Domain Name Portal – Domain name forum – 20-50%
* http://www.yourfreeforum.com/
Free Forum Hosting – Forum hosting and support – 50%
* http://www.httppoint.com/
HTTPPoint – Webmaster forum, SERP and SEO forums – 50%
International Domain Names – 50%
* http://www.internetmarketingforums.n...post-here.html
Internet Marketing Forum – Marketing and advertising – 50%
* http://www.namepros.com/index.php?referrerid=70221
Name Pros – Buy, sell, and discuss domain names – 50%
Revenue Source – Advertising discussion site – Unknown
SEO Meeting – SEO, webmaster forum – 100%
The Webmaster Forum – Webmaster forum – 50%
* http://www.totalwebtalk.com/forum/
Total Web Talk Forum – Webmaster forum – 50%
Webdigity – SEO, webmaster, affiliate – 100%
Webmasters.org – Webmaster forum – 100%
* http://www.webmastertalk.in/news-ann...ating-wmt.html
Webmaster Talk – WMT.in is a webmaster discussion forum – 50%
Webmaster-Talk.com – A webmaster discussion forum – 40/10%
WebTalk Forums – WTF webmaster forum – 70%
Whooked Forum - Webmaster, SEO, etc – 80%

Home Improvement

* http://efloorplan.com/forum
eFloor Plan – Home Improvement – 60%


DotNetKicks.com – Microsoft .NET information, links, community – 50%
* http://www.kick.ie/
Kick.ie – Tracking the best of the Irish web – 50%
Value Investing News – Investor powered stock market news – 50%

Social Networking

Google Knol – Wikipedia-like site by Google – 100%
* http://www.friendtrain.com/frmPromote.aspx
FriendTrain – social media site – Unknown
Lensroll – Directory of Squidoo pages – 50%
* http://www.squidoo.com/lensmaster/re...athlontraining
Squidoo - An excellent social media site – Shares revenue based upon various criteria *very good source of revenue!

Qassia – Articles Submission and social media – 100% New!
* http://tagfoot.com/_director/referre...Fup%2Etritrain
Tagfoot - Excellent social bookmarking site – 50%+ New!
Xomba - Make posts, share links with other Xomba users – 50%


* http://www.golfnation.org/forums/
Golf Nation – Golf, Golf, and more Golf – 75%
I Gotta Rant – Sports, Music, etc – 50%
The Sand Trap – More Golf – 50%

IT, Tech-related

Kernel Trap – Kernel development and news – 80%
Scratch – Write Programming Tutorials for them – 50%
SpiceFuse Forums General computer forum – 75%
* http://www.techsupporthumor.com/
Tech Support Humor – Tech support humor site – 100%
* http://www.technologyparent.com/
Technology Parent – Info for parents about technology – 50%

Video and Photo

* http://www.flixya.com/referrer.php?ref=tritrain
Flixya – Share videos, photos, and blogs – 100%
Free Range Stock – Stock photo directory – 80%
* http://www.howcast.com/help/guides/1...ecomes-Popular
Howcast - Video sharing – 50%
* http://revver.com/go/faq/#makingmoney1
Rever – Video sharing – 50%
Stockvault.net – Photo directory for aspiring photographers – 100%
TubeImage.com – Free image hosting – 100%

also another 32 sites\

1) Hubpages.com

With Hubpages.com, you can earn money by writing articles in different categories and topics. You can earn from 4 tools,

These are:

Google Adsense

Ebay products

Amazon products

Kontera link ads
Read more in Money Making
« How to Earn with Adwords
Are There Ethical Work at Home Based Businesses or Jobs on the Internet? »

With the chance of earning money through 4 affiliates, you can increase your royalties and income with this amazing website! Join Hubpages now!

2) Squidoo.com

On Squidoo, you create informative lens for readers as each page contains ads from Google Adsense, Ebay and Amazon products. The way to make money is to being as many readers possible and you earn 50% of the royalties that the Adsense clicks and Amazon products generate! The good news here is that you naturally earn from the Google ads. This means that your Google Adsense ID is not required and you get paid through PayPal. To create a PayPal email now, check, ‘How to Create a PayPal email address and Join Squidoo now!

3) Flixya.com

This site is a social network like Myspace,bebo and Facebook which pays you to post your photos, videos and blogs! Your pages contain Google Adsense ads and you earn 100% of the royalties! I think it is very generous of them to give us all of our money!

4) Xomba.com

Xomba contains Google ads all over the site and you earn when your published articles in the Xombyte, Xomblurb sections carry Google ads that have been clicked! Join Xomba now!

5) Bloggerparty.com

A normal blogging site where you can join the party of submitting content and sharing it with others! Each time you publish an article, you earn points. They multiply your ad income!

6) Launchtags.com

Create your own mini pages with your biography, photos and other data and earn the ad income generated by them!

7) Senserely.com

This site wants Adsense publishers who would honestly like to increase their earnings. Usually, we find fraudelnt activity detected due to the fact that Adsense users cannot bare the slow steady flow of the cash. However, with Senserely, it is possible that you can earn money every day. There have been a few reviews that this site is one that should not be ignored!


You share content; you get paid 70% of the ad income! You can refer other users as well and get an extra 10% when their content makes money!

9) Soulcast.com

Soulcast pays you to create blogs! You earn money when your pages generate Adsense clicks!

20) Daytipper.com

With Daytipper.com, you can earn money from writing your own tips! You earn an upfront payment of $3 if it is published! Your tips go through the editorial team and they decide whether to accept or reject your tip! Unfortunately, there is no passive income
in any other ways but just a one-off payment!

21) Blogevolve.com

A similar site to Bloggerparty where you submit your own blogs and earn from Google ad clicks on your pages!

22) Journalhome.com

You can insert your Google Adsense ID and earn after creating a blog account. You may also choose a channel to write about!

23) Softwarejudge.com

On this review sharing site, you are allowed to write reviews that explain your negative/positive side of the story about certain software. Their payout is $50 for a review and they will either accept or reject your review!

24) Valueinvestingnews.com

This is a news site where you can submit links to news stories around the globe and get paid when visitors click on your Google Ads located around your news pages!

25) Qassia.com

You can contribute your own content and be rewarded with exposure and advertising revenues through Google Adsense!

26) music-nerds.com

Write about your favourite songs and earn money! The difference on this site is that you don’t earn through your own pages but the site’s revenue is totalled all together and distributed to the writers. Those who contribute more get a larger share of Adsense revenue!


27) Revver.com

Youtube allows you to upload videos and get thousands of views! However, do they pay you for your hard efforts? No they don’t but Revver does! In your videos lay ads that earn you on a CPM basis. This means you can earn money for the views your videos generate! Forget Youtube, let your thousands of views pay you back with excellent rewards! Your Google Adsense ID is not needed on this site as they pay through PayPal.

2 Matrixmovies.net

This is a Google Adsense video sharing website where your videos will include your Google Ads which can earn you money for the clicks they generate! By having more videos, you can increase your Google ads being shown to your audience.

Social Networks

34) Myviewin.com

Myviewin is a social network just like Myspace, Bebo and Facebook. However, the difference here is that you earn points for the views you generate on your blogs, photos, videos and profiles! Each view should earn you a point and at the end of the month, the points are converted into cash. It all depends on the amount of revenue the site generates and how much points you make! Refer as many people as you can and earn their points as well! This way, you can build a residual income without doing anything else! Join Myviewin now!


1 komentar:

  1. one again jurnalku.com
    google adsense revenue sharing in bahasa indonesia
